
The Bitter Cold: Part 1

  How not to get it:
 It's goin' around. It's rare that I get sick anymore, but when I do, my mind suddenly plays a marathon of all those moments I regret. "I should have held my breath walking past that congested toddler. I should have washed my hands before I put that mint in my mouth. I should have taken a shower after watching those reruns of Divorce Court." Prevent the regret by preventing the mistake!! These are some tips that are, frankly, embarrassingly obvious-- and embarrassingly neglected. 
    For starters, carry hand sanitizer. Use it before EVERY time you eat out (side your home, that is...). Use it after you handle change, use a computer, change a diaper. For God's sake, USE IT!
   DON'T touch your eyes, mouth, nose, FACE, unless you have JUST washed your hands. Make a habit of washing your hands every time you come home.
 Take vitamins before and after being in crowded areas for lengthy amounts of time. (More on that in my next blog.) Stay away from sick people. Don't play invincible. Don't be a moron. 
   And just throwing this out there: I have not had a legitimate cold since I became a vegetarian. ...Knock on wood.
  Common sense? Yes. Commonly exercised? Uhhh...

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