
The Bitter Cold: Part 2

How not to keep it when you have it.  This is the one where I really get on my soapbox.
    You cannot continue living like you are not sick!! You cannot eat sugar like you normally do. You cannot keep drinking diet Dew and getting 4 hours of sleep. Your body is ill now, and it's your job to nurture it from your neglect.
    My fool-proof methods for shortening the lifespan of a cold:
P-robiotics. Go to the vitamin section and buy acidophilus. It will demolish almost ANYTHING that tries to demolish you.
A-pple Cider Vinegar. It's an antimicrobial.
I- ngest liquids. NO caffeine or alcohol. None!!!
G-arlic. Also an antimicrobial.
E-at wisely. And minimally. Your body needs that digestion energy to fight.
     And for God's sake, don't leave your house unless you absolutely have to.

1 comment:

  1. Good piece of advice! I add to that eat lots of kiwis and drink caffeine-free herbal tea to keep warm.
    Greetings from Spain :)
