
Haphazard Thoughts

 -I remember in school I used to hear about how the Pilgrims had to eat succotash on the Mayflower. It always sounded so gross to me. Sort of like it "sucked tash". Turns out it's good stuff! I even make a salsa version.

   -I have 198 hangers in my house, each of which are occupied. Can you see why I opted to forfeit shopping for Lent?

  -When young  people say, "Live with no regrets", does that translate: "Don't do stupid things you'll regret", or "Don't regret the stupid things you do" ?

  -To me, seeing old people use cell phones is like seeing a monkey ride a bike. Only louder and  with more confusion.

  -I've had a lot of spare time since giving up shopping and facebook games for Lent. I've done a great deal of organizing, including the pantry. And hey, at the bottom, I finally found a set of hand weights I've been missing for months. Pity-- I got a lot of exercise looking for those things.

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