
Things that go plink in the night

  Well, I seem to be a bit delayed in my posting. For those of you who don't know, I am currently in the process of moving! I will be on my own for the first time, and there's a lot to do. This all happened practically overnight, so I'm a little ill-prepared. Lots to do, lots to buy, lots to get used to.
    So far I know that I am acutely on edge about the little cricks and creaks I hear when I'm all alone. I am in a duplex so I have neighbors that will cause the occasional clangs and clamours. Last night, my dad and I were over there about to leave. We decided first we would make absolutely sure the front door locks were working properly. I stood on the front porch and propped myself against the door frame as he stood inside to check the lock and jiggle the deadbolt. Then we heard it...
My heart jumped. He looked up. "You heard it too??" I said. "Yes," he replied, "I think it was just the heater downstairs." Relief returned to my quivering heart and his eyes returned to the deadbolt. Then we heard it again.
 "Oh, no," I thought to myself, "This is no coincidence. How can  I live in such a dangerous place all alone?? Surely this was a huge mistake." My dad looked up.
  "Are you leaning against the doorbell?"
     I was.


First and Foremost

   How true: “the hardest part of anything is starting it.” I'm both thrilled and nervous to finally start blogging! This has been months in the making— rather, months of building my courage to just do it. I suppose this is something of a ‘Grand Opening’… and who knows more about those than our good friend Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tube Man?   

       (I figured a ribbon-cutting was too fancy.) If you aren't familiar with Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Man... I'm so sorry. Youtube it and your life will be that much more enriched.
   I want you all to know that I am well aware of my mixed company of an audience. You will range from my family members and close friends to former teachers to perfect strangers. I can never please all of you, so in my mind you all cancel each other out. This furnishes me with a blank canvas, so I don’t plan on holding anything back. I will be sharing with you what is on my heart, on my mind, or just dangling from the end of my funny bone. It's fun to provide you all with a window into my brain, lending a factory-like tour of where the Paigeisms begin and end. Some get tossed, some are recycled, and some are little pieces of passion I use toward doing my part in changing the world.
  Feel free to follow me through this online thing. No, seriously, there's a button at the top of the page. Follow me.